paper cups and purple punch
Hello there! I have missed you as I have been doing some writing and celebrating several birthdays the past few weeks! We had a family...
chick-fil-a discipleship: chicken and servanthood
Hello my dears! Just put the wee babes down for a "nap" or at least "alone time" after we returned after delivering cupcakes to our...
monday momma musings
Hello friends, I hope yesterday was an enjoyable Mother’s Day. We may not all be moms, but we are daughters so we can appreciate the work...
strengthen my hands
Currently I am sitting at the kitchen table singing my lungs out to Frozen’s Let It Go and coloring with my four-year old, three-year...
cleaning out the mushy gushies
It’s beginning to feel a lot like…fall time! The cold front blew in and we actually had to wear jackets! I love it! It makes me feel...
Put that tongue back in your mouth
Hello my friends! Good to be with you again! I always look forward to this time together! As always, take a minute, pour something warm...
i’m a survivor
Hello! We survived our first hurricane experience last weekend! Hurricane Nate passed through the Mississippi Gulf Coast last weekend. In...
anxious one?
Smiling, I encourage her to enjoy her class and have fun as I transfer her to her teacher’s arms. It is sad to watch her cry, but I know...
relationships part IV: grab some tea and date wisely
Alright, I know we have talked about relationships a lot recently, so I’m going to wrap up this week with some thoughts about dating...
relationships part III: defining Godly girls
Hey there! I’m going to have to forego coffee today for some iced tea. Preferably sweet. It is HOT as blazes here! I am so looking...