morning habits of successful ladies
Hello! It’s June! I am loving a little more freedom of time and a break from completing schoolwork each day! I think most people get a little extra energy this time of year, whether a student, intern, or mom of little people in school. It reminds me of warm weather when my biggest concern was if I was baby-sitting on Friday night and if we were eating pizza for supper. Yep, good times…
I have moved into adulthood (sigh), and while life is a bit more serious, I have found a few practices that create a more relaxed, less stressed daily atmosphere. I have realized I previously viewed sleeping in as a reward and getting up early as punishment. Blah! What a skewed view, right? I am naturally a night owl and would prefer sleeping later in the morning, however, I know for my personal sanity, I need to spend even a few minutes alone in peace. I have risen earlier than the tiny ladies in my house since January. This past six months has set up each day wonderfully and I have felt more motivated and have a greater sense of accomplishment. No worries, there are days like today when my quiet time involved opening the back door, sipping tea at the kitchen table, letting the kitties in…and handing out American Girl catalogs and my Bible highlighters so the girls can have quiet time with me. Life is not perfect each day, but I know God knows my heart is in the right place. He is kind and patient and I know He will still speak through His Word even if I am surrounded by little girls in nightgowns circling doll pictures as their wish lists.
Along with waking early, there are several habits that successful ladies do in the mornings! I love this wisdom, I use it myself, and want to share it with you!
Wake up early - The best time to wake up is different for each person, and for me, it is around 6:30 a.m. to have a reasonable amount of time to myself before the demands of the day. It is earlier during the school year, and has been a few minutes later since summer break has begun.
Make the bed - I know I say it a lot, but it has been proven to put motivation in the life of the individual and creates the push to continue the motivation, allowing the person to continue the productivity throughout the day. Not to mention, even if a bedroom is a complete wreck, having the main focal point in the room, the bed, looking great, keeps the place from looking completely chaotic.
Get moving - Whether a few stretches from pinterest, a tabata workout from youtube, or run around the park, the body will be so happy! I take group fitness classes around the corner since I know I will not work as hard on my own, and I get that done as early as possible to get it done. I know if I wait, I will be way less motivated to go. I schedule the classes in my calendar just like every other part of the agenda.
Eat breakfast - Some people cringe at the thought of eating so early in the day. Skipping breakfast has been associated with a greater risk for heart disease. A good breakfast is more important than we think! Also, waking earlier will probably help with growing an appetite for it!
Quiet time - Beginning the day with the One Who created the day and allows me to live in it is the absolute most important part! If setting aside this time is difficult with other needs demanding attention, set a timer for five minutes or 10 minutes and start with that. You will be blessed and will probably find it becomes not enough time to spend with God.
Early birds tend to be more cheerful than the late sleepers out there! There is a link between good attitudes, motivation, and job performance! Try it, you'll like it!
By the way, there are seasons of life when this rising early stuff is not possible and I get it! For those who have newborns, you are already working hard and rising early - over and over through the night! Keep on going, and pretty soon that wee babe will be sleeping through the night!
How do you begin your day? What works well for you? Happy summer season, y'all! Talk to you soon!