here's to the dads
Hi friends! How are your doing this mid-June week? I am just keeping up my glamorous life of laundry, meals, and changing diapers! I also need to (get to) run to Target to pick up a new iron, since the current one is rusty, leaves marks on fabric, and has a broken cord glued on. Time for a new one! It’s just a pick-up order, but it’s getting out of the house, so that’s always fun. At this moment, I have a quick minute to sit outside on the patio with the birds in the yard and chat with you! Please have a seat with me! What a strange year! God is working as always, so we can rest in that. He has everything under control when it seems life is pure chaos and I do not understand what is happening.
What comes to mind when you think of Dads? I think of Mr. Brady or Mr. Cleaver! I love old tv shows. Father’s Day is here and it’s that time to celebrate the men who shape the next generation of society! Maybe you have a great dad and look forward to the special day to thank his role in life. Not everyone experiences a close relationship with theirs, and some may not have had the opportunity to know him! Regardless of the bond with our earthly dads, our heavenly Dad is who we long for. He is amazing and that we can count on!
I am thankful that our heavenly Father is
LOVING: 1 John 3:1
STRONG: Psalm 24:8
HELPER: Psalm 46:1
HEALER: Exodus 15:26
STRENGTH: Isaiah 41:10
He is much more than these few words. Our heavenly Father is big enough to create the universe and still has time to love YOU and me! The world has a tremendous amount going on at any given time and God still knows our pain and struggles and chooses to be loving and patient with us.
If you had a superhero dad, I am so thankful. If you have regrets or anger toward your dad, I pray healing for you. I know some girls who have lost their dads and this holiday is tough, so I pray that you lean on your heavenly Father for comfort and joy.
For the married ladies out there, one gem of wisdom I have really thought about this year, as weird as this year has been, is that I am not my husband’s Holy Spirit. That’s right. I am not in charge of “helping” him develop his spiritual habits or deal with his personal struggles. What?! I know! This is terribly difficult to remember, I mean, I am the oldest child, so I can identify a problem and rectify it without breaking a sweat. Yikes! The best idea is to pray for him instead. After all, it makes sense if someone changes for the reason that someone else suggests it, the change may not last. It takes a humble heart and a reliance on God to move a husband instead of trying to do it ourselves. Waiting is tough when “I know how to solve it right now.” When we see a need arise, the most loving and productive action is to pray for God to move in his heart. We can help our husbands to grow as the best dads they can be by praying consistently for them, even when there is not necessarily a problem. Simple prayers for guidance in their roles as dads is essential and significant too.
As we pray for the daddies out there, the following are little bits of interesting knowledge about them that we learn in science:
The Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science reports that fathers positively influence the development of their children through hands-on parenting. Involved dads raise better behaved, smarter children, who are able to maintain emotional stability! Dads also have a positive influence on problem-solving abilities too!
A study in Psychological Science reports that dads who participate in household chores have daughters with higher aspirations! I smile because I have four daughters and we could always use an extra hand to wash a dish or toss a load of clothes in the washing machine.
A study from the University of North Carolina reports that children actually use more DNA that comes from their father than their mother. People are more like their dads, which helps in looking at diseases passed down in families.
A professor of psychological sciences at Kent State University reports that dads who play with their kids form a trusting, close bond, which enables them to develop as people. Dads who act goofy and lovingly tease their kids strengthen the parent-child bond and helps the kids feel encouraged, which enables them to have healthy friendships and romances.
Dads are equally as important as moms and we can see it through scientific research, although God already makes it clear in His Word. Here’s to you dads out there! We are praying for you to follow God’s guidance personally and as you lead your family. Dads who have grown children also lead their families and those around them, just in a different way, so we are praying for you as well. God bless you all!