Totally Truth
I am amazed at how quickly time passes! I remember climbing trees in my backyard and tying a leash to my brother’s bike while he pulled me on roller blades down the street. That last one actually turned out badly and ended in road rash! Ouch! Reading was one of my favorite pastimes. I especially loved the American Girls Collection. I recently put up these original 1990s posters in a room upstairs for the girls. They haven’t been on a wall since I went to college, so I am so happy to see these old friends again.
Izzy Grace turned one year old last week! As exciting as it is that she walks a little and gives hugs, there is a little sadness in knowing she will never wear her newborn clothes or fit in her newborn baby wrap. I am so glad to be able to still rock her.
At the same time, Linley is ten! I also miss her preschool smile and her little leaps out in the yard. Now I enjoy her big girl ballet leaps she is practicing for Cinderella in the yard Now, we also watch Christmas movies together.
With a ten year old at home, I see lessons having to be learned that I did not see coming. I kind of wish she was still five. Learning what to do when she does not get invited to a birthday party or figuring out what to fill her mind with using technology. Learning self-discipline and how to be kind no matter what others do. These are tough! I wish I could fix it for her! I wish I could keep her from getting her feelings hurt. I wish there were no bad things that would happen, but I know there will be tough stuff.
This week Izzy Grace has an ear infection and congestion. I gave her Tylenol for the first time. This small difficulty is just the beginning of life that will bring some trials for her. I wish I could keep her from them and just hug her and hold her for the rest of time. This is not God’s plan, though!
One of the most used Bible verses I use in counseling is “Speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). Truth is powerful. In the context of children, truth cannot protect them from pain. It prepares us for the pain because we know we have a loving Savior walking with us right in it.
You don’t have to be a mom to understand the world can be a tough place. I think children are such a joy because they just exude energy and joy and haven’t experienced stuff the world can bring that often overshadows joy or causes cynicism. They love completely. They run and jump and enjoy the moment! Every breath is exciting! Every book can be read a thousand times! Animals are amazing! Jumping in puddles makes for the best day ever! Dress up is a daily favorite! Slides are spectacular!
Life happens and it can be hard, no doubt! The hope is that we have a Savior Who loves us, always listens, and walks right through it too. Jesus took the time to walk with people when He was on earth. He literally walked with them and took time to know them. He still takes the time with us. He help us develop and tough faith.
A deep faith that comes from being dragged around, scraped up, knocked down, and pushed around. This kind of faith is grown from uncertainty, fear, danger, difficult times, and difficult people. This kind of faith becomes better and stronger with age and experience. It becomes less shaky each time we get scraped and bruised. It can stand up to the enemy and say, “God wins!”
We can be prepared for crazy times with Truth. It can't prevent pain, but it can prepare us for it. Know God’s Word. Write it in dry erase marker on your mirror. Post it in the kitchen. Listen to it in the car. When the world is against you, God is FOR you!
Pic(k) of the week:
At Izzy Grace’s birthday party, Raegan threw dirt at Krew…